Thursday, 20 December 2007

More PR for our job sites

This time in the form of an article I wrote recently for OnRec Magazine, the publication for the online recruitment industry.

The article talks about the importance of niche recruitment websites for employers and the advantages of them over 'general' job boards (riveting stuff I'm sure you'll agree).

It's not quite a Booker prize winner, but at two pages long is great PR for some of our sites, including

You can read the full article here (and there will be a quiz after!).

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Sayers Online team is growing

The Sayers Common Online Sales Team has expanded last week with some new staff.

And they are...

Paul Pearce
Kevin Johnson
Mikey Amis
Anne Keating
Pier Walker

Monday, 17 December 2007

There ain't no party like an S-Common party

Another Christmas party done and dusted. On Saturday night staff from Sayers Common and Falcon Park spent a quiet evening of intellectual conversation and sensible behaviour (yeah right!) at the Ramada Jarvis hotel in Brighton.

Judging by the fact some people are still recovering some 48 hours later it seems a good time was had by all!

If you have access to the B: Drive then have a look at Alan Stuart's party arrival photos at:

B:\Public\2007 Xmas party photos

I'm sure there are lots of 'unofficial' photos to be viewed so send me any ones that are legally allowed on the Internet and I'll post them here.

A big thank you to Sarah and Katie who did spend a lot of time and effort organising the party (despite not always getting credit for it). And contrary to popular belief the reason our table won one of the quiz rounds was not due to them telling us the answers, but due to an amazing invention called "Google on a mobile phone"...who said cheats never prosper!

PR for

A small, but perfectly formed bit of PR for in the latest issue of industry magazine Recruiter. It's an article anlaysing the Leisure and tourism sector this year:

Vacancies are rising across the UK. In England there are 3,250 permanent vacancies, up from 2,000 this time last year; in Scotland there are 310, up from 50 and in Wales there are 20, up from 15, according to's market index. David Somerville, marketing manager for travel jobs board, says: "The number of job vacancies has increased year-on-year, and there have been a number of agencies opening up that specialise in the area."

You can read the article in full here.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Simply missed out

Apologies to Jason Lee from Simply Online who Dave Capper missed off the list. Jason is Simply's technical expert, who handles the development, design and other geeky stuff.

Another storming month for IRT

Following on from last month where the team smashed the biggest target ever, IRT once again beat this month's target of £109,797 with a final figure of £112,665.

Good work fellas!

How to survive the office Christmas party

With the Sayers Christmas party looming fast (and I'm sure our other offices have theirs soon too), here's a quick guide from on how to survive the office Christmas Party...

When you gotta go, you gotta go - Even if your boss is named Ebenezer, you should show up at your Company office party.

Eat, drink but don’t be too merry! – Probably the most important “do" at any office party. Just because people wish you a "Merry" Christmas doesn't mean that you have to take them literally. Be aware that alcohol lowers your inhibitions, clouds judgment and may cause you to do something you regret.

Leave the mini skirt in the wardrobe - Leave low-cut, short and sexy items of clothing in your wardrobe. Not only will you catch a cold, but you may also lose the respect of your bosses and co-workers.

Watch the clock - Arrive on time and don’t be the last one found propping up the bar or asleep in a corner.

Talk the talk – Parties are not the time to shrink into the wallpaper. Mingle and introduce yourself to everyone. Have some ice-breakers ready such as: "What are you doing for Christmas?" but avoid conversation deflators such as: "Do you have kids?" (If the answer is no, there's no place to go from there.)

Don’t flirt with the boss – This is an office party, not a singles bar and it will not advance your career. Also make sure you aren’t caught in any compromising positions with a hidden camera - trying to explain a slow dance with the MD may be difficult.

Beware of the office gossip - Under no circumstances should you traffic in office gossip. You never know who is standing behind you.

Grin and bear it – The party is being given for your benefit, so be gracious, forget your paltry Christmas bonus and leave your Grinch personality at home for the evening.

Leave the bank card at home – Buying a drunken round for 30 may seem like a good idea at the time but the chances are that while your colleagues will soon forget this act of goodwill your kids won’t when Santa doesn’t come as a result!

Don’t talk shop – And whatever you do, remember that now is not the time to ask your boss for that long awaited promotion or pay rise. You honestly won’t get it!

Monday, 3 December 2007

More people and more money for Simply

Simply Online are celebrating another succesful sales month with the recruitment of three new staff.

New starters today are Lisa Johnson, Paul Swift and Dave Shuttleworth.

Simply's target for November was £46,000 and they scraped through with a total of £72,000. All of the sites hot target and this is the fourth consecutive month that this has happened.

A quick rundown of the existing staff and what they do for your reference...

Ian Partington - MD
Dave Capper - Sales Manager and Ad Agencies (all sites)
Tony Charters - Senior Account Manager, SimplyMarketingjobs
Evonne Hill - Account Manager, SimplySalesjobs
James Halstead - Account Manager, SimplySalesjobs
Ben Wareing - Account Manager, SimplyHRjobs
Carlene - Admin Assistant
Yours truly - Marketing Manager

Binny, a diving tank and some ice cream

Not some strange dream, but this bizarre cocktail was witnessed on Saturday at the Earl's Court Boat Show.

Intrepid Boats and Outboards sales girl Binny went one better than her recent 'wakeboarding to sign a deal' activity, by taking a dive in a pool of water...whilst holding an ice cream.

You can read the full story here. And a special prize for captions to the photo above please!

Photos courtesy of

A lesson in stating the obvious

This ad was taken by Nikki Favorido on Adline over the weekend:

rover 75 2.0 CDT, Sold as repair.engine not working. 2001. Was running until engine stopped.£700 ono.

dreamweaver stats
Online Dating Services