Friday, 15 February 2008

We're in the money

The results are in and the excellent news for the IRT team is that they smashed their sales target for 2007.

The target for the year was set at £1,315,601 and they beat this by just over £20,000 with a grand total of £1,335,643!

A special mention goes to Craig 'Hightower' Middleton, who had a target of £45,124, but ended the year on £74,477 a massive £29,353 (165%) over target!

Part of Craig's success has to be down to his sales patter, with some unique phrases that have been affectionately known as 'Craigisms'. There are literally hundreds in his repetoire, but a few highlights include:

"In the poker game that is recruitment"
"You don’t want to open pandora’s box"
"Proof in the pudding that it’s money in the wind"

And the immortal...

"I haven’t pulled it out of the book of wonderful telesales lines"

Well done chaps and by early indications it looks like 2008 will be another storming year.

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