Friday, 4 April 2008

England are better than Wales at football - FACT

This in from Trade-It's Craig Wallberg (good to see we got revenge for the Six Nations defeat!)...

The online teams from Trade-It, Sayers Common and Pembroke all had a conference on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in Pembroke. People from the Pembroke office challenged us to a game of football and we accepted.

The Sayers and Trade-It joint team triumphed 7-3 against Pembroke with Joe Kidger and Steve Broad getting a goal each and me (Craig Wallberg) scoring 5.

Not really sure who scored for Pembroke or who was in the team. The Sayers & Trade-It team were made up of: Craig Wallberg, Paul Scrivens, Steve Broad, Luke Merrick, Joe Kidger, Sam Kidger and Paul Pearce.


Anonymous said...

You don't know who the Welsh players were... did you actually play the game?

David Somerville said...

No I didn't, but Criag who sent me the report did


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