Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Bikers, bands and babes in Brighton

Sunday saw the return to Brighton of Brightona, an event sponsored by UKBike.com.

Here is Boyd's report...

Brighton groaned under the weight of several thousand bikers on Sunday 7th October down at Brighton sea front Madeira Drive.

The event was the fourth annual ‘Brightona’ event a charity biker day organised by the Sussex Heart Trust in conjunction with UKBike.com

Channel Manager for UKBike, Boyd Cruttenden, would like to express large thanx to all the team that showed up and helped make the day a roaring success.

Photo: The UKBike Team before the event

450 new members were recruited and equivalent amount of t-shirts given out to those who chose to register.

Photo: After the event was over (l-r) - Kerry Rolls, Sarah Strudwick, Dan Murasko, Lawrence Murphy, Karen and Rob Hancock, Kelly Smith, Chloe and Samantha White, Boyd Cruttenden, Monica Howlett, Jiab Rosewell, Byron and Fiona Wratton, Nicky Tucker.

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