Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Boris is a winner at Mascot Grand National!

OK he didn't win the actual race (although he did do very well coming 25th out of 55 runners), but he did win the award of "Best Turned Out Mascot"!

The Mascot Grand National, held last Sunday at Huntingdon Racecourse, was a fantastic and at times very bizarre occasion.

55 mascots from across the UK gathered for this event with characters including Captain Blade, Spike the Road Safety Hedgehog, Reggie the Red Devil and Pudsey Bear. They paraded in the show ring, fought a bit, then raced each other down the final furlong of the racecourse in front of thousands of spectators.
As well as raising hundreds of pounds for Children with Leukaemia and The Brooke, we also got some fantastic PR for Horsemart. This included Boris being interviewed live on Sky News, being interviewed by legendary racing commentator Derek 'Tommo' Thompson, an interview with Virgin Media, plus numerous mentions of Horsemart on the PA during the day.

We filmed Boris throughout the day and will be putting together a montage for your viewing pleasure very soon.

In the meantime you can view a short video of the race here. Boris is the one behind Pudsey on the left of the screen - blink and you'll miss him!

And you can watch Sky News reporter Derek Tedder getting a cuddle from some mascots too.

Well done to Chip Kidger whose weeks of training paid off. Chip has now headed back to University to bask in his glory and consume the case of John Smith's he won for his troubles!

Thank you to all of you who sponsored Boris - I will be coming round to collect your donations shortly.

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