Monday 17 December 2007

There ain't no party like an S-Common party

Another Christmas party done and dusted. On Saturday night staff from Sayers Common and Falcon Park spent a quiet evening of intellectual conversation and sensible behaviour (yeah right!) at the Ramada Jarvis hotel in Brighton.

Judging by the fact some people are still recovering some 48 hours later it seems a good time was had by all!

If you have access to the B: Drive then have a look at Alan Stuart's party arrival photos at:

B:\Public\2007 Xmas party photos

I'm sure there are lots of 'unofficial' photos to be viewed so send me any ones that are legally allowed on the Internet and I'll post them here.

A big thank you to Sarah and Katie who did spend a lot of time and effort organising the party (despite not always getting credit for it). And contrary to popular belief the reason our table won one of the quiz rounds was not due to them telling us the answers, but due to an amazing invention called "Google on a mobile phone"...who said cheats never prosper!

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