Monday 12 November 2007

Green hair, diets and Pudsey at Pembroke

The guys and girls in Pembroke are making a big effort this year to raise funds for BBC's Children in Need.

They are doing lots of things this week including:

- Guess the teddy bears name
- Raffle
- Prettiest pets competition
- Niki Favorido is being sponsored to dye her hair green
- Angela Davies is doing a sponsored diet (4.5lbs so far and most people are sponsoring her £1 per 1lb!!)
- Auction

For the auction itself they have managed to get loads of great lots including:

- Child's mermaid fancy dress costume, age 9-10yrs, green
- Meal for 2 in the Pembroke Ferry Inn
- 4 tickets for Folly Farm
- 2 tickets to see Dads Army in the Swansea Grand theatre
- 2 tickets for Bath Christmas market, including bus
- 2 x 20 lap tickets for BP Karting
- Dance UK Wireless Karaoke microphone for PS2
- £30 voucher for Pembroke Carvery
- £10 voucher for Moon and Sixpence or Vincent Davies
- Family ticket (2 adults and 4 children) for National Botanical Garden
- 2 adults and 3 child's tickets for Techniquest, Cardiff
- Real silver bracelet with lilac stones
- £10 jewellery voucher for use when the jewellery lady is here on 4th December
- 1 months free membership for Curves gym in Pembroke
- Autographed photos of Fern Britton, Philip Schofield and a "This Morning" funny bits dvd
- £10 voucher for Premier Meats
- Official BBC Children In Need Pudsey bear

Although many of these items are local to Pembroke, if anyone from the other offices wants to bid on something then please contact Ann Jones, and she will bid on your behalf.
Email - or call her on extension 6705

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget poor old Martin Davies (based in Pembroke) who's being sponsored to have his legs waxed on the 16th. Ouch!!!


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